"Rondo," 37" x 35", ©1997. Hand-dyed & commercial cottons, cotton batting, cotton thread. Freehand cut, machine pieced & quilted, hand finished. Collection of U.S. Embassy, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, Africa.

"5/4," 37" x 35", ©1999. Hand-dyed cottons, cotton batting, cotton & rayon thread. Freehand cut, machine pieced & quilted, hand finished. Collection of U.S. Embassy, Conakry, Republic of Guinea, Africa.

"Jazzed," 34" x 29", ©1999. Hand-dyed cottons, cotton batting, cotton & rayon thread. Freehand cut, machine pieced & quilted, hand finished. Collection of U.S. Embassy, Conakry, Republic of Guinea, Africa.
Phil has been creating studio art quilts since 1990. During this period of time, his work has been featured in juried & invitational exhibits, numerous publications and acquired by private collectors and public art collections around the world.